Senin, 22 Februari 2010

Health Tips For You

It contains natural fiber, carotene, vitamin C n essential minerals. It also contains enzymes such as arginine carpain n.
Arginine is important for male fertility n carpain is good for the heart.
Papaya is used in many skin lightening creams.It always helps acne, loose papaya when applied to
Face opens the pores. It makes the skin glow. The antioxidants in papaya also helps control
premature aging.
Papaya contains large amounts of potassium n the flesh of the papaya is very high in vitamin A.
Papaya has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce pain in patients with arthritis, edema helps
n osteoporosis.
Papaya boots immune system.
Papaya is very good for her help n Controlling dandruff.Shampoos available.

GRAPES: Well blood n bodybuilder is a quick source of energy.
Grape juice has been shown in cases of constipation.gout rheumatism, skin-n liver.
It helps a lot to the acidity of uric acid, and thus the kidney decresae.
It is advantageous in the following conditions:
It controls one node to be helpful in cases of goiter (enlarged thyroid)
Chronic digestive disorders.
High blood pressure
Fresh pineapple juice is also used for removing worms.
Fresh pineapple juice for us to fight against diphtheria n other infections of the throat or other parts of the body.
Prevents nausea. Take 230 cc pineapple or papaya juice,

Kiwi: It is rich in vitamin C. It prevents high blood pressure.
It's good for people with poor digestion.
It is rich in fiber.
It helps breathing problems, wheezing, breathlessness, asthma n cough. It is the probability of a reduction
Heart attacks.
It helps protect DNA mutations damage.When n kiwi juice is mixed with water n
Vodka can be used as an astringent to help tighten the skin tone n.
Banana: It helps in the fight against depression.
Lowers blood pressure.
Help to quit smoking n Hangover cures itself.
A source of iron, which helps in the production of hemoglobin.
Helps with morning sickness n mood swings.
It heals stomach ulcers or intestinal disorders.
It is known that neutralizing N, the soft texture protects the lining of the stomach.
It cures headaches.
A banana milkshake n Honey is the best cure for a hangover.
APPLE: Contains lots of vitamins n minerals that can strengthen the blood.
It prevents disorders of the liver N digestion.
Eating apple 100g an anti-oxidative effect, which is the same, with about 15oo mg of vitamin C.
Apple Cider Vinegar Cidar as it can be used as a drink to prevent formation of kidney stones.
It is for overweight, headaches, arthritis, asthma, inflammation of the bladder is recommended.
Gonorrhea, anemia, tuberculosis, insomnia, gall stones, Worms.

What Is Autism Caused?

Autism is one of those diseases in which concerned parents see their child development, looking for clues. You know that something is wrong but they just can not seem to put their finger on. Lee, a mother of three children, one seven years old son with autism. A teacher and a student, Lee usual tired. Her son, but she explains, her duties in a way they never thought possible. She loves him immortal, but there are days that they made to order with her son, who she describes as both violent and frustrating wonderfully sensitive deal was leaked. Like many other parents, Lee was suffering from autism and how it affects all their children.

Autism is a developmental disorder that children are born, but they are usually no obvious symptoms until about one year old or older. Even then, it usually starts with intuition and gut feelings. This was the case with Lee. Her son was a beautiful, healthy baby boy, who was remarkably peaceful and just slept all night. He had advanced a happy baby and usually attended by all his good baby. Lee felt that his crying would be normal on occasion, attributed some of its sensitivity to light or movement as the difference in personalities. Each of her children differ in their likes and dislikes, and temperaments. As he grew older, she wondered about the nature, not find it, even ashamed that he hours dumping all the toys from his yellow box to spend, and line each of the cars on the size and then, methodically, using them in the yellow box, just to dump them out again. She was not too happy that he cried when she was hours early yellow box.

Children with autism often appear perfectly normal until about 18 months old, similar to Lee's son. Then start something different, so parents are wondering what is going on. change is driven children with autism do not like and respond strongly to the tip of light or sound, similar to Lee's son has done. There are certain times when they do not want to be touched or held, or wear certain clothing. Some of their practices are often written as "quirky", including repeated the same movements over and over. Lee and how often a pause or a sudden change in their routine discovered, they can be sent over the edge, often cause young children to cry or scream for hours with autism.

Autism is not a death sentence, however, and some parents have gone so far to speak of autism, the "gift" of autism gone. Lee always admired her son's ability to see things they could not. Exhausted and totally unmotivated in one day, she slumped in addition to her son, who enjoyed sitting on the curb outside her house down. "Mama," her son enjoyed in her presence: "Now you can get the dinosaur belongs to me." Too tired to argue and somewhat curious, little Lee. "What dinosaurs, Randy?" "Wait, Mom. You should find them." They sat together side by side for about ten minutes in silence. Lee is one of the soft murmur of water flowing in the gutter. A car drove by her son and his head almost level with the curb. "There!" he said with joy. Lee had no idea, but smiled. Randy was not deterred. "No, Mom. Put your head." If the next car came, finally, she did. The sound of the car was in the gutter comment. If the soft growl of a dinosaur. Only her son would have found a dinosaur in the gully.