Selasa, 29 Juni 2010

What is Gastritis?

Literary Gastritis means inflammation of the intestine. Gastritis is a lack of stomach lining to preserve disorder. The gastritis responsibility to speak because of factors; Double result of clearly consume much alcohol, suffering from bacterial or chronic use of non-steroidal negative - anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and sometimes materials done character strain that proof is a extreme abdominal surgery.
The symptoms of this disease twice now, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, adapt, burning sense of meaning, the older gastrointestinal tract, vomiting burgundy Colophon vomit and it is necessary to continue the Force be with endoscopy, how bad is the gastritis. Bleeding from the stomach shows that the inflammation became bad and it's more need for medical treatment.
* Nutritional effects
For those with gastritis, almost of them experience an eating disorder. If a feeling of fullness, although only a few amount of food, nausea and vomiting during or after eating a meal, appetite, disruption or need less to eat. It will inconvenience caused to experience pain in the digestive system. Moreover, chronic gastritis bad influence on their nutritional status. People with an inflammation of the stomach will feel uncomfortable during or after dinner. You will not feel like eating, and eating less than their needs.
The inflammation of the stomach lining is also limited to people with gastritis to one type of food to eat. Such as foods high in protein, acidic taste of food, food contains coarse fibers as a kind of vegetables, salty foods, or another type of food, medicines and drinks that stimulate the gastric acidity. Reduced food consumption in the long term it leads to malnutrition.
Anemia can be used by experienced people with gastritis.Contained less protein-rich foods such as meat, also contains large amounts of iron in a long time will result in anemia. Meat contains heme - iron from the body more effectively than non-heme absorbs - Iron is normally found in plant nutrition. But meat is hardly digested in the stomach, and have to work hard in the stomach and the optimum acidity (pH 1) of the stomach, it can badly affect the inflammation. Bleeding from the stomach wall is also aggravate the anemia.
In gastritis, caused by bacterial infections such as Helicobacter pillory, a doctor will treat with antibiotics to reduce infections, but excessive use of antibiotics also kill good bacteria in the lower gastrointestinal tract, commonly referred to as probiotics. The good bacteria help us to sort of vitamin or other materials that we need shape