Minggu, 01 November 2009

Digestion in Human Body

The purpose of digestion is free nutrients by breaking down the large particles in which most of them in simple terms is small enough (and enough soluble) to pass from the stomach format in cells where they are needed. However, these nutrients have no value as a digestive upset.

Digestion includes a variety of mechanical and chemical steps that are appropriate for certain types of nutrient reduction. Hormonal methods come into play before, during and after digestion for the reason that the secretions and movements of the muscles of the digestive tract can be caused by hormones or hindered in part by psychological factors outside the body. The mechanical processes in the field throughout the entire cycle of digestion. to act, the chemistry options are acids, enzymes and alkaline solutions, particularly proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, such as vitamins and minerals in a position, primarily through the body taken in its original form once divided them from the food bind.

Water is an essential tool in the whole digestive process, aid in mitigating secretions, diluting and nutrients and their transport into the cells. In the mouth, the food begins to be both mechanically and chemically broken. It is chewed and chewed, and can be lowered, small molecules that are more convenient to chemicals stomach. The chewed food mixed with saliva and is softer and easier to swallow, while ptyalin, an enzyme in saliva breaks down starch in the ration to chop of their constituents molecules of simple sugars.

While the food stays in the mouth, creates an incentive for its pleasant taste and more for the remainder of the secretion of saliva. The ration is then pushed further into the digestive tract by swallowing, a reflex contraction caused by the presence of food on the back of the tongue. Wave-like muscle movements push the food through the esophagus, then through the cardiac sphincter, a circular band of muscle that guarded the entrance to the stomach and prevents food back to the esophagus.

The stomach moves rhythmic muscle contractions and eventually connects all of the ration with the gastric juice, forming a semi-solid mixture known as chyme. The gastric juice contains hydrochloric acid, the acid environment in the division to protein to support and destroy the microorganisms and protect the body produces from food-borne infections, mucin, moving as a lubricant recipe help the digestive tract is doing, defending tract itself, and the enzymes pepsin and gastric lipase, which help to separate protein and fat molecules, respectively. The amount of gastric juice in the stomach is increased by smell, taste, or even thinking in terms of food, but secretions of emotions like anger or fear or repulsive sights or smells are inhibited.

The main digestive processes to take position in the small intestine, and include three types of secretions. The pancreas secretes pancreatic juice, which many enzymes, proteins, starches, fats and other ration components, and bicarbonate that neutralize the stomach acid breaks in the chyme as it comes from the stomach remains. Separates the liver bile, which is concentrated and collected in the gallbladder, bile supports the small intestine to emulsify fats in them by their production and everything at hand for digestive enzymes to digest. In addition, finally, the cells of the intestinal mucosa even InTeS TINAL juice, which contains a few enzymes, most of the processing of carbohydrates, protein for two, and one for fat. As this happens, the villi - tiny, finger-like projections that line the wall of the small intestine - go to work to absorb and move nutrients into the bloodstream. Peristaltic pumps and rhythmic actions mixture of diet and feed them through the small intestine, making it against the villi, which on both sides are moving and can decide from particles of nutrients with such skills, a brush to the period of chyme nearly 95 percent in certain nutrients are included, has passed through the small intestine.

Health Tips For You


It contains natural fibre,carotene,vit C n essential minerals. It also contains enzymes like arginine n carpain.

Arginine is essential for male fertility n carpain is good for heart.

Papaya is used in many skin lightening creams.It helps in getting rid of acne ,when papaya is applied on

face it opens the pores. It makes the skin glow. The anti oxidant in papaya also helps in controlling

premature ageing.

Papaya contains high amount of potassium n the flesh of of papaya is very high in vit A.

Papaya has anti inflammatory properties which helps to reduce pain for those suffering from arthritis,edema

n osteoporosis.

Papaya boots immune system.

Papaya is very good for hair n helps controlling dandruff.Shampoos are available.

GRAPES: Good blood n body builder it is also a quick source of energy.

Grape juice is indicated in cases of constipation.gout,rheumatism,skin n liver disorders.

It helps greatly to decresae the acidity of the uric acid , thus benefiting the kidney.


It is beneficial in the following conditions:

It regulates the gland n found to be helpful in cases of goiter(enlargement of thyroid gland)

Chronic digestive disturbance.



High blood pressure


Fresh pineapple juice is also used in removing intestinal worms.

Fresh pineapple juice us used to combat diptheria n other infections of the throat or other parts of the body.

Prevents nausea. Take 230cc of pineapple or papaya juice,


KIWI: It is rich in vit C. It prevents high blood pressure.

It is good for people with poor digestion .

It has high fibre content.

It helps problems of wheezing , short breath , asthma n coughing. It has the probability of lowering

heart attacks.

It helps in protecting DNA from mutations n damage.When Kiwi juice is mixed with water n

vodka it can be used as astringent to help tighten n tone the skin.

BANANA: It helps in fighting depression.

Reduces blood pressure.

Assist to quit smoking n even cures hangover.

A source of iron which aids in the production of hemoglobin.

Helps in morning sickness n mood swings.

It cures ulcers or intestinal disorders.

It is known to neutralise acidity n their soft texture protects the lining of the stomach.

It cures headache.

A milkshake of banana n honey is the best cure for hangover.

APPLE: Contains large amount of vit n minerals that can strenghten the blood.

It prevents disturbance of liver n digestion.

Eating 100g of apple can give an anti oxidant effect that is equal to taking about 15oo mg of vit C.

Apple cidar vinegar when used as beverage can help prevent the formation of kidney stone.

It is recommended for Obesity , Headache , Arthritis ,Bronchial ,Asthma , Inflammation of the bladder.

Gonorrhea , Anemia , TB , Insomnia ,Gall bladder stones , Worms.


Benefits include treatment of diarrhea , dysentery , constipation , cough , cold , skin care , high blood

pressure , weight loss , etc