Senin, 18 Januari 2010

Government Does Not Create Wealth

President Obama has spread the country so far left it looks like Clinton was a Republican. Experts now say a GOP takeover of the House similar to the '94 "revolution" fueled by the tea-party feelings of the electorate is likely. But this time Obama promises not to move Clinton pivot. If anything, Obama seems ready for, "Double Down" on the way from far left people angry and initiatives that led to the tea party movement over one year ago.

I am concerned about the damage that can be deposited during the Democratic Congress' lame duck "session between the election next week, and their departure will be made in January. Not shocked to see that they are trying, through a cap-and-control "current account" for hasty signing of Obama, not unlike unpopular health of the way Obama health care bill was forced to a disapproving RAM nation. The new members will be able to try pulling the damage (and many candidates run their origin, at least in part because they promise to help and got turned back Obama Care). But will the way small majority of the GOP is likely to enjoy (or not a majority in the Senate is likely to be), Obama will be able to create new disk can veto Congress without the risk of overwriting.

So cap-and-tax "would be our reality, at least for a few years. If the Socialists in power now in a position to purchase by the State of the energy its acquisitions of healthcare, manufacturing (eg cars), and add the funding can be difficult or impossible to transform America from a free market Republic of reverse is the current politically correct term for socialism - a "state capitalism".

And do not count on an extension of the Bush tax cuts "of 2001 and 2003. This means that as a parting gift to the voters that they should be dismissed, the Liberal Democrats will mostly be able to leave us with the largest tax increase in the history of our nation. This will be the private sector (which is certainly the aim of the liberals) and further cripple a return to a free market (with appropriate free society) a more difficult ascent.

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