Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010

Globalisation Really a New Trend Or Not?

We often hear that when the U.S. sneezes the world catches a cold. We look at a piece of history shows us that this is not new.

While we find it interesting to consider what happened in the financial world this month in May - when the New York Stock Exchange was established (May 17) in 1792. From a modest beginning, the leader in the international financial stage. It was determined, based on existing European trading systems, so that globalization existed long before our era, and the need for regulation is not new.

Rumor has it that between the branches of a tree Buttonwood 24 was the largest made to broker an agreement on the New York Stock Exchange set to sign. The agency agreed to collaborate effectively and the number of brokers offers a range of financial instruments, so the pool of available commissions would not be released by the increased numbers. By the way, NYSE was not the first exchange in the U.S., "the praise of the Philadelphia Stock Exchange

What became known as the Buttonwood Agreement, a committee of at least one quarter percent (0.25%) on the sale of public stocks (bonds). The agency also agreed to meet on preferential treatment to prevention and public auction. Of the original Café "office" of the organization was founded with a constitution and rules for trade in 1817. By means of a tariff structure and its listing on the NYSE rules quickly became a very wealthy institution, and 11 Wall Street was an internationally known address.

The American system is based on the existing European trading system, and it is interesting that the Spanish practice, the distribution of the silver dollar into eighths largely responsible for the prevalence of the groups in the description of share prices.

In the year 1300 the usurer of Venice (the real merchants of Venice) began trading shares of other governments. Would they perform Slate (yes, I'm old enough to remember as a child writing slate clock - recycling and waste reduction at an early age) for sale with information about the various problems and with customers - as a broker today.

Already in 1531 there was an exchange in Antwerp, Belgium, where brokers and lenders meet to consider would be in business, government and individual debt problems. In 1500, there were no real resources, therefore the exchange in notes and bonds treated.

In the year 1600, when British, Dutch and French East India started its trading activities, we see the introduction of the company, the voting and that would pay dividends on the proceeds of successful trips to the "Spice Islands". The shares were issued on paper and documents could be sold by investors to other investors. Various locations for the London Coffee Shops broker the exchange of shares and bonds was (written with different characters on the front of the shops). The first exhibition in London was officially founded in 1773.

It was in London, emerged as the leading trade fair for Europe and New York, but certainly not the first was the largest and perhaps the most powerful in the world.

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