Kamis, 03 Februari 2011


a product when viewed from the perspective of the concept of a packaged, then the tips will be familiar with a category of products with high quality products, products of this type can also be spelled out in terms of classification of products which have unique design features with, and usually aimed at the top, so it is natural if with concepts like this product priced above the average and marketing management are usually intended for the upper middle class. If we compare the production of Japanese cars with European production, it will be obvious in terms of kualiats, so this resulted in a margin in terms of price. There are also products that are reviewed from the perspective of the concept which can be categorized into the category of 'me too'. Me too this product can be defined as products that use the design of products that advance the market with different brands. In other words, me too products can be said as a product replica of its predecessor products with a design that little bit different. For example, drink mineral products 'aquades' is a product of me too products 'Aqua'. A company if it produces me too, it will be somewhat hard effort is needed in the management of marketing management. Management of product marketing for me too must be done carefully so that the product can compete with me too products with its predecessor product.

Promotion ActivitiesWhen a product has been released on the market, the main objectives of marketing for the sale is with the consumer. For consumers to embrace the support of sales management is needed also a well-organized marketing. One of the marketing management that can be done is to conduct promotional activities. Promotion itself can be defined as the effort or activity conducted by the company untukmengenalkan products to consumers with the primary objective to persuade consumers to support the sales transaction. In conducting a promotion of optimal marketing strategy is needed in order to have maximum results as well. In a promotion that is currently ng-trend used by most companies is to malakukan combination of promotional techniques that consist of sales made in person or often better known by the term 'personal selling', the campaign carried out in a way that can be done through advertising da good with electronic media print media, promotion by way of publication that is usually done on certain events which usually can mengkumpulkan great time, and the last is a campaign by way of door to door where it is more commonly known by the term 'sales promotion'.

Planning the Right Distribution Another factor to consider in designing marketing management is none other is to consider the area or place where the products will be marketed. By weighing and analyzing the marketing place, it will help to determine what strategies are used in the process of distribution. By using the correct distribution, it will be very helpful in saving transportation costs of distribution, which will greatly affect the benefits or profits that would be obtained by the Management. Basically there are three important things that need to be considered in distribution activities in order to perform efficiently. Third important factor is the intensive nature of distribution and exclusive distribution method, and terakhit type using the concept of selective distribution.
Exclusive distribution method, is very concerned gensi distribution, quality and prestige. Usually this type of distribution used for marketing management for companies that do have a trademark that is high quality. An example is the distribution that is only done to choose the marketing outlets are only selected places, those places are usually located in a busy area visited by the elite consumer.
The places referred to in the form of outlet stores located in malls, plazas, and other elite places. Selection of these selected sites in order to consider to keep the products marketed impressed and have a prestigious high berkualiat that are not owned by any other product. Generally, if using this method, the sales generated can not be achieved with great results if judged by one by one not in its entirety. But still generate very high profits, as prices of the products offered have the management with prices relatively high and stable. Then type distribution of a second is by using the concept of selective distribution. The concept is almost similar distribution when compared with the concept of distribution by using the concept of exclusive distribution. But the coverage of selective distribution usually has a broader marketing management when compared with the type of exclusive distribution.

As an example for selective distribution is the only complains products sold in places that have been selected, such as Indomart, Alfamart, Carrefour, this product is usually not found in traditional markets. The concept of this production is usually much has disadvantages when compared with other distribution type. But the positive points that would be obtained by adopting a selective distribution is mengontro terbantunya in price, so that a product will be worth so many dollars wherever the product was marketed during the marketing is at outlets that have been selected.
Last is the distribution method that is intensive, this type of distribution will usually have the most extensive market compared with other distribution methods well with the concept of exclusive distribution or selective distribution method. Because of product marketing management will include market indiscriminately, whether the traditional market, secondary market, modern markets, or even elelite market that can only be reached by certain circles. The downside of this distribution is not able to control the price to be homogeneous. Suppose for a similar product but due to be marketed in two places that have a large quality margin, the price-else will be different.

Pricing or Price Penenetapan price of a product is very strategic for the attention of a company. If the offensive with the price of a product, it usually will be proportionate and in line with the quality of the product itself. Generally speaking, if the price of a good height, then it is because the quality is possessed of a product that is also high pula.Namun sometimes it does not apply if consumers are keen in selecting the goods. Because sometimes the price of an expensive item of goods caused by the brand itself, which is already recognized in the market.
Not all people or consumers have the argument that the better a product it will have a high price. Some consumers believe that low price does not mean low quality. This of course is an opportunity for a new company in targeting specific market segments. Taking advantage of that argument, then with the management of targeted marketing management, then it is possible to offer products that can compete in the market. High prices identical to generate high profits. This statement deserves to be justified. But the cheap pricing is also synonymous with great benefits as well as a statement that can be justified. As an example of products in the field of telecommunications services currently compete to offer service products owned by the tendency to compete with low prices. Real examples of CDMA operators menawarkann relatively low prices compared with GSM. GSM offers products and services at a relatively more expensive when compared with CDMA operators but with the network service quality is better. Premises other words, in choosing a marketing management should be tailored to the products they own. Then, by being able to analyze and see the advantages of a product, it will be very helpful in determining the appropriate marketing management, especially in terms of price.

Here are a few things to note which may help to determine the price of a product with the right to compete in the market and generate high profit for the company: 1. We recommend that you set the price based on production costs incurred by the company. Things that need to be considered in analyzing the cost of production of a product may include: cost of goods, overhead and other support costs. By analyzing the cost of production in determining the price of a product, it will help the company to avoid the abyss of loss.

2. Setting prices based on demand. Therefore, before setting the price of a product's good company to do some research beforehand how much the level of market demand for products to be marketed. Marketing management in this regard will have an important role in analyzing this policy. The greater height pertmintaan of a product, the higher the price trend to be acquired from the product itself.

3. Setting the price of a product by looking at the existing price competition in the market. If possible then why not membandrol price of a product under the existing price competition in the market. This will really help sales of these products in the market to be hunted by the consumer. In addition, the pricing of a product can also be done by placing a price pretty. For example if the company's decision to sell the product at a price of two hundred thousand dollars, then there is nothing wrong in marketing these products is sold at Rp 195,000.00. Believe it or not this numbers game is affecting sales of a product for a long outreach and in large numbers

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